What Are the Reasons Why Buses and Local Transport Drivers Are On Strike In Madhya Pradesh?

As 2023 ended and 2024 began in India, known for its love of celebrations, people typically enjoy the new year with cake, temple visits, and parties. But this time, things went differently in some places.

In Madhya Pradesh, there was a problem – public transportation stopped because of a big strike in Madhya Pradesh. City buses, local transit, and other ways of getting around were all stopped.

This unexpected issue made it hard for people to travel, messed up their daily plans, and affected the usual happy atmosphere of the new year. Despite these challenges, the people in the country are showing how strong and adaptable they can be in the face of unexpected problems.

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Why The Buses And Local Transport Is On Strike in Madhya Pradesh?

Madhya Pradesh Drivers Federation on Monday submitted a memorandum with 12-point demands in protest against the new policy of hit and run after the amendment in the Indian Judicial Code 2023.

On this occasion, union president Rajkumar Raidas said that 10 years’ imprisonment and recovery of huge amount against drivers in case of accidents is like a black law. We oppose this, the strike will continue until such black law is withdrawn.

What Is Hit and Run Law?

The hit and run law is a rule that says if you’re in a car accident, you have to stop, give your information to the other people involved, and help if someone is hurt. If a driver doesn’t do these things and leaves the accident, it’s called a hit and run offense.

This is a serious breaking of the traffic rules, and the consequences can include fines, losing the driving license, and sometimes even facing criminal charges. The exact rules and punishments for hit and run can differ depending on where you are.

What Was Demanded By People Who are On Strike in Madhya Pradesh? 

The drivers’ federation has put forward several requests in a memo. They want the removal of the hit and run law and the introduction of a pension plan for individuals above 55 years old.

Additionally, they are asking for financial support, such as Rs 20 lakh in case of death in accidents, Rs 10 lakh for disability, and Rs 5 lakh for medical treatment. The federation is also seeking assistance of Rs 5 lakh for housing and support for the higher education of children. In total, they have made 12 demands from the administration.

How People are Facing Problems Due to Strike?

On New Year’s Day, people usually plan to visit temples, spend time with relatives, or go on trips to celebrate. However, in Madhya Pradesh, especially in Indore, people are facing significant challenges due to a bus and local transport strike. Traveling has become extremely difficult, with crowded roads and a lack of available transportation options.

strike in madhya pradesh

The railway station and bus stand are filled with crowds, but there are no means of transport for the people. To add to the woes, local auto-rickshaws are charging much higher fares than usual. This unexpected situation has disrupted the usual festive plans, leaving people stranded and struggling to find affordable and accessible ways to travel within the city.

The wheels of buses and trucks stopped in Sehore district on Monday in protest against the hit-and-run law passed by the Central Government. There was silence at the bus stand. The strike of hundreds of drivers had a wide impact. The drivers united and took out a protest rally in the city shouting slogans.

What Transport Minister Rao Uday Pratap Singh said?

Transport Minister Rao Uday Pratap Singh said that being a public representative and citizen, I request my colleagues who are on strike that this is not the last option.

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There should not be a situation like traffic jam. The entire life is affected by this. Just because the law is made, it should not mean that you are guilty. If something has come in the public domain, it does not mean that it has been made to punish you.

Under the leadership of the Prime Minister, the Penal Code has been separated and the Justice Code has been introduced. When there is a justice code then definitely everyone will get justice. No one needs to worry. Still, if there is any concern in their mind, it can be resolved through conversation. Conversation has always been given priority in our system.


We’ll have to wait and see which demands the government accepts. If the strike in Madhya Pradesh continues, it could impact essential needs like food, healthcare, education, business, and fuel. People are hoping the government will make a decision soon on the drivers’ 12-point demands, including the hit and run law. This way, the statewide strike can end, and all drivers can go back to work.


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